Food Prep Shop Ltd

NEW, EX-DEMO & USED, Robot Coupe food processing equipment

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Why TWO Blogs?

There are lots motivations for bloggers to blog, but for an online business, like ours, there are really just two core reasons...

  • credibility: prove that we're passionate and knowledgeable, and therefore trustworthy and dependable
  • ingratiate ourselves to search engines to try and climb organic listings

Our challenge, then, is to create interesting and informative articles that appeal to both real life readers, and also search engines...a time-consuming (and therefore expensive) job

In order to speed-up the process, and save money, we offer two sets of Blog Articles: one set written by a real human being and the other written by Artificial Intelligence

We hope you enjoy both!

We use...

  • Open AI's ChatGPT - largely funded by $10bn from Microsoft, and
  • Google's 'Bard' AI , which uses their LaMDA engine

Why are we doing this, and indeed, admitting it?

A few reasons really...

  1. Using AI to generate copy is simply quicker and easier
  2. near instant blog generation from 'an idea I had while walking the dogs, ths morning'
  3. we can have a pretty polished article ready in 30 minutes - they're not perfect! Instructing the AI takes careful thought, and then some editing to make sure there are no factual innacuracies
  4. If we design the input properly, then the AI articles will be an unbiased reflection of aggregated opinions from all over the web: that can't be said for the articles that we are paying to have written :-)
  5. You might be able to tell that it's an AI article, and we don't you to feel like we're trying to pull the wool over your eyes

Enjoy! And please let us know what you think about thois approach.


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